Helpful Links

Typing / Keyboarding

One of the most important skills for students is to learn how to type. This is their gateway in to the technology world. Learning how to type the correct way will be able to help students accomplish things quicker on a computer.

Typing Club - Click Get Started to start! You can also create your own account by signing into with your G Suite for Education account by clicking sign in with Google.

Keyboard Zoo - For the younger students just starting to learn

Mouse Practice

Once your student learns how to use the Keyboard, next is mastering the mouse. Two buttons and wheel can be confusing! Learning the correct way to use the mouse helps you to tell the computer what you'd like it to do.

Mousercise! - Use your mouse to follow the on screen instructions for what to do.

Peg + Cat: 3-2-1 Snack - Using your mouse, help Peg give Cat a snack.

1st Grade Word Sorting

Jamboard -an word sorting